Batam is the central city of the Riau Islands. It consists of 4 large islands, namely Batam, Galang, Rempang, Bulan, and three other small islands such as Galang-Baru, Abang-Besar, and Kapalajernih. Batam City is located in the south of Singapore, approximately 20 kilometers. Also, Batam Island and Singapore are separated by the Singapore Strait. Batam Island is likened to the Special Economic Zone of China because of the existence of an electronics factory, ship repair industry, and the oil industry.
You need to know that Batam Island has a First-Class Airport called Hang Nadim Airport.
This airport is built on an area of approximately 1,762 hectares, which is located 17 km east of Batam City Center. Hang Nadim Airport has many capable supporting facilities, namely a passenger terminal building covering an area of 30,000 m², a cargo terminal of 1,685 m², and a public park covering an area of 236,624 m².
Apart from having many supporting facilities, this airport also has industrial facilities, e-commerce, telecommunications, logistics, hotels, retailers, entertainment centers, exhibition halls, and offices. The location, which is close to the cargo port and industrial area, makes this airport a center for the development of Hub Cargo and other flight operations.
Suwarso, as Director of BUBU Hang Nadim Batam, said that the purpose of developing Hang Nadim Airport is to make it as the main airport hub, which includes passenger and cargo services in large quantities.
To function appropriately, Hang Nadim Airport is equipped with a 4025 x 45-meter runway powered by PCN 85, 6 aviobridge gate, ten aviobridge, an apron with a capacity of 140 m x 690 m x 225 m x 49 m Air Traffic Control & Navigation Aids. This airport is also supported by Tanjungpinang Radar Supervision, Aircraft Accident and Fire Relief Assistance (PKP-PK).
11 New Regulations for Boarding Aircraft at the New Normal Stage
- Stay alert and adhere to health protocols.
- Must include a COVID-19 free certificate.
- Print your boarding pass or mobile check-in at home.
- Implement new normal regulations at the airport.
- Mandatory items that must be brought by tourists include two cloth masks, one surgical mask, one hand sanitizer, several packets of disinfectant wipes, and face shields.
- Try not to eat in the restaurant but take away. It is advisable to bring your own drinking bottle wherever you go.
- Be at the airport three hours prior to departure.
- It is advisable to go to the toilet before boarding an airplane.
- Keep a distance from other passengers and pay attention to cough etiquette.
- You are encouraged to wear a mask while on the plane.
- If you experience a health problem, immediately report it to the cabin crew.
Another important thing that you must pay attention to before going to Batam Island is checking your passport. Make sure your passport is still active and valid for traveling abroad.
If you have six months left for your passport, you should pay first before ordering a plane ticket and leaving for Batam Island.
Ready to start your getaway to Batam? Visit Wonderful Indonesia, and don’t miss out on the magic!