
5 Amazing Home Remedies for Cleaning Jewelry


Even if you don’t spend a lot of time around dirt, your jewelry is susceptible to becoming dirty. That’s because the oil on your skin builds up around your jewelry and gets between stones and causes the luster and shine to diminish.

So, what can you do? You must clean it often! But, who has time to run to the jeweler every other week?

If you’re wondering how to keep your jewelry clean, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re discussing some of the most popular home remedies for cleaning jewelry. Keep reading to learn more.

  1. Dish Soap

Jewelry cleaning doesn’t have to be confusing and difficult. You can simply use a mixture of dish soap and water to clean off the grime and keep it shining like new again.

You can use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush away the dirt dipped in dish soap and then rinse off in a bowl of water. It’s not recommended to simply clean in the sink to avoid dropping anything down the drain.

  1. Baking Soda

Cleaning silver is a bit more intensive as it can be difficult to remove tarnish. You’ll need a bowl of water lined with aluminum foil and some baking soda. Allow your jewelry to soak for a few minutes and then wipe it off with a soft cloth.

Just watch the dirt and tarnish fade away!

  1. Toothpaste

For costume jewelry that isn’t made with real gold or silver, you can use toothpaste to wash the dirt away. Simply brush the jewelry with a soft-bristle toothbrush with toothpaste, rinse in a bowl of warm water, and voila!

  1. Alka Seltzer

Alka seltzer is another great way to keep your jewelry clean. This is especially great for diamonds and other hard stones. Simply place the jewels into a bowl of water, allow the tablets to fiz, remove, and wipe dry.

Take a look at your diamonds once you’re done and see how they sparkle!

  1. Beer

Ever thought that beer was good for anything but drinking? Well, it is! Use it to clean gold jewelry by soaking for a few minutes and wiping dry.

BONUS: Ketchup

Of course, these cleaning tips wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t throw in a zinger for good measure. Use ketchup to clean your jewelry!

This is a good trick for silver jewelry as the acid in the tomatoes will help to remove the tarnish.

Use These Home Remedies for Cleaning Jewelry to Bling All The Time

These home remedies for cleaning jewelry should be enough to keep your jewelry collection shining all the time.

It’s also a good idea to take jewelry with stones to the jeweler to be cleaned at least twice per year to ensure that any loose stones are caught before they are lost. Cleaning is usually free and the jeweler can check your stones for cracks and to be sure they are not loose in the setting.

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