
All You Need To Know About Gum Contour Treatment Recovery

Gum Contour Treatment

Gum contouring may sound painful and scary, but it is not half as bad. The recovery process is quick and does not cause discomfort for a long time. Gum contouring can be done in Michigan within one appointment. Most people can return to their normal routine the next day of their treatment. It is common to have swollen, sore, and sensitive gums. 

The symptoms subside within ten days if you follow your dentist’s instructions. Listen to your dentist at cosmetic dentistry in Lansing, MI, carefully and do as they say. The rules are quite simple– eat soft foods and do not put anything in your mouth that can aggravate the surgical wounds. 

um Contour Treatment Recovery

How long does gum contour recovery take?

Gum contouring procedures can take from one week to up to two months to fully heal. The healing time depends on how much work was done. If a lot of gum tissue is grafted or removed, it can take several weeks or even a month to heal. However, if only a small amount of tissue was affected, healing might only take a few days.

Procedures done with a scalpel generally take longer to recover from compared to those using lasers because scalpel procedures require stitches. Gum lifts usually recover slightly faster than grafts, typically by just a few days.

Extensive grafts may require up to 8 weeks for complete healing. Taking good care of your gums in the first few weeks after the procedure is crucial to avoid pain, infection, and other complications.

What are some common post-surgery symptoms?

Some common post-surgery symptoms that you might experience include the following:

  • Swelling: Gum contouring can cause some swelling along the gum line. The condition tends to peak after 24-48 hours of the treatment and can be relieved using ice packs and over-the-counter medications. 
  • Bleeding: Some bleeding is also common after the procedure. These can be managed with cold compresses. 
  • Discomfort: There is no pain during the procedure, but most patients experience some discomfort after the anesthesia wears off. This can range between mild to moderate, but it is not severe. 

If you experience severe and persistent swelling, bleeding, or pain, visit your dentist immediately. 

Protecting your gum health after gum contouring. 

To protect your oral health after gum contouring, you must maintain a good oral hygiene routine. You should consistently brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss. Flossing helps keep the spaces between your teeth clean. Additionally, your dentist can instruct you about the brushing techniques you should use post-surgery. 

Your dentist may also instruct you to use a saline rinse. To make the solution, combine one teaspoon of salt with about eight ounces of warm water. Once the salt has completely disappeared into the water, swirl the solution for about 30 seconds and then spit it out. This allows you to get rid of food residue in gums and teeth. 

How much physical activity should you limit after the surgery?

Even if gum contouring is a mild surgery, you should take a few days off and rest for a while. You can safely return to non-strenous activities two days later. 

For strenuous activities, like going to the gym or lifting heavy items, avoid the first week. Too much workout can pump extra blood to the gum tissue and cause inflammation, swelling, and pain. 

If you have had extensive treatment, you should stay in bed and limit physical activity completely for a week. You can get up from your bed and move around the house. But avoid doing any tasks other than the necessary ones. 

You can have the smile of your dreams with gum contouring. Talk to your dentist today!