
Web.com Reviews Examines the Strangest Things People Have Found in The Woods


When you explore forests, you can find many things such as trees, wild animals, extraordinarily shaped rocks, etc. According to Web.com Reviews, at the time of exploring nature, whenever you find such strange things in the woods, you should take photos of them and share them with everyone.

The Things

Here are some of the strangest things people have found in the woods: 

  1. Abandoned underground bunker – Two friends noticed many large pipes protruding from the ground at the time of hiking in the woods. When they further investigated, they found a doorway hidden behind several bushes that were covered by a huge wooden lid. They became curious to see where the doorway lead and finally found that it was a huge, unused army bunker.
  1. Creature Spotted in Argentina – In Argentina, some teenagers spotted a creature in the woods outside of Corrientes in the month of October in 2017 while moving through the forest. The teenagers were terrified and reported to the police immediately. The police found a tall, gaunt-looking creature with long, thin limbs with large black eyes. When the police chased the creature, it disappeared towards the nearby river. When the photo of the creature appeared in the newspaper, many people claimed that the creature was an alien.
  1. Giant Spider’s Web – In Dallas, Texas a huge spider’s web was found in the woods in 2007 in the month of September. After extensive research, it was found that the web was created by eleven different species of spiders. Scientists also claimed that the web was formed by a mass dispersal event in which millions of small spiders spin the web.
  1. Empty grave – A strange thing that was found in 2015 in the month of January was an empty coffin in the woods. However, the place where this empty coffin was seen could not be exactly located. Apart from that, the exact reason for the empty grave was also not known and while some people guessed that this grave could be a resting place of a vampire or a zombie, some others believe that this grave was perhaps a remnant of an old ghost town.
  1. Clown Chases Fisherman – A very strange thing happened in the woods near Bridgeport, West Virginia when a man heard some strange noise when he was doing spot night fishing. When the man heard the noise, he suddenly saw a mysterious figure coming towards him. He observed that the mysterious figure was dressed in a long black cloak and it wore a sinister-looking clown mask.

Being terrified due to seeing such a look, the man ran to his car which was parked just nearby the woods. After that, the man started driving his car, but the clown followed the man and stood on the other side of the fence and starred with an empty gaze.


According to Web.com Reviews, it is not safe to explore the woods at night. If you want to explore the woods, it is a good idea to do so with some friends. They can keep you company and also keep you safe.